How Do You Move On?
I'm closing one chapter so that I may open a new one. I have left this unsaid for far too long. I have let it slowly eat away at me. So much that I have become unable to love and unable to celebrate and be happy in REAL love, not the bullshit excuse for love I thought we had. I loved you. A deep, unexplainable, impratical, illogical love and maybe I have held onto this for so long because in some ways I still love you. But that is no excuse. You treated me like shit. You played with my emotions, lied, and lied some more. Maybe my immaturity added fuel to the fire but my time with you meant total combustion for my heart. I didn't know what pain really was until I met you. I didn't begin to understand suffering until you waltzed into my life. If I remember correctly when it all came down to it you pursued me?!?! But you were about lies even from that point. I wasn't looking for love or even anything too serious but I did like you. You took it there. Not me. I just got caught in the tangle web you wove, and when the shit hit the fan you weren't even man enough to face me. You actually stopped talking to me all together like I was in the wrong. Confusion. All this time I thought it was my fault the way the situation went with us but as of late I realize it was you. Yes I played a role and I could have handled it better but you were the reason shit got ill. I wasn't even pressed for the title. You said you only wanted it to be you and me so from there it was you and me and I was ok with that. Then magically one day everything changed. You hurt me and I have been living in that pain ever since. You have moved on with your life. I'm happy that you're happy and I wish you all the best. I have learned that the karma you put out into the world does come back to you. Maybe not today or tomorrow but at some moment when you least expect it you will truly understand all the pain and suffering you put me through. Now, I can finally let it go. I can live. I can be happy. Because I let yo go I can feel love, give love, and appreciate love. Thank you for the lessons you taught me. I've already forgiven you but I never want to forget.