Gettin some things off my chest
this started as a letter then evolved into a poem then finally a way to vent and to say things I've always wanted to...
See I’m glad you think I’m sexy, but I need the one who thinks I’m beautiful
It was fun while it lasted, but I’m looking for something lasting
I wanted you since I first saw you the focus of all my passion
See I lay down beside you and there we made one
I gave you the one thing that was designated for my husband,
no condom, no drama, just fun
but in my heart I wanted commitment
thinking you could learn to love me the way I loved you
In your mind I was physically desired so we made it do what it do
See I was ok with being the main girl, now I need to be the only
In my mind such infatuation cause me to forget my goals
My morals, my values my beliefs just to be the one you’d hold
Every single night
I didn’t understand the magnitude and weight of my decisions
Blinded by…
I don’t want to be good for you when you on the verge of your peek
I want to be the perfect match fulfill every qualification you seek
I was even on my stupid, ghetto girl shit
Thinking I wanted your kid I thought that would make you say and want me all over again
I want you to think I’m beautiful but I can’t change that now
I gave you all of me
I’m pleased you like my stilettos and short dresses, but you should appreciate my sweats and uggs
This is harder for me than you will ever know because I just can’t let you in
I can’t allow myself to be publicly caught up so my embarrassment is held within
I gave up the best thing I had cause I thought I would get you
But you never said you wanted me as your girl I should have followed every clue
Now I’m really confused, you’re with some other girl
Your girlfriend, wifey
She’s in my spot, my place, my position
Playing my role but
I know everything she lacks I have
I’m everything you miss: all you could have had
I wanted to tell you but the words I could never quite verbalize
Sentences I couldn’t articulate so my emotions wore a disguise
Veiled in immaturity, cloaked in a suit of armor
My heart stupidly avoided all you could have offered
I treated you like just one of those things
So we could get it in
pretending like I hated strings
And things
That lead to something more
More than what we had, more than what we were
More, more I couldn’t give you
Now I sit
You consume all of me I see you in my dreams
Activating every sense
Your touch gently in places that I yearn for it to be again
your breath softly caressing the nape of my neck
but then I snap back to reality
from my fantasy,
my dream
I will never be over it
But, for now, I’m good
And wishing you all the happiness in the world…
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